Test Automation:

Test automation entails the use of specific software to check the execution of tests and compare the actual outcome alongside the predicted outcomes. The key and compelling aspect of Test automation is that it mechanises recurring but mandatory tasks by implementing standardized testing processes and tools. Automationet use Selenium and Jenkins for automated testing, following the Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) workflow. This enables application development teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably.

Test Automation Development Services:

  • •  Test planning
  • •  Test case specification
  • •  Test case development
  • •  Test case documentation
  • •  Test case managemant
  • •  Test case excution
  • •  Management of the results
  • •  Maintainance of test cases


  • •  Defect-free software delivered
  • •  Cost savings
  • •  Productivity Improvments
  • •  Faster Development Cycle Time